Having a good credit score is important when applying for business loans and credit, mortgages, personal credit and loans, rental properties, and even sometimes jobs. Below are the websites we recommend for getting free credit score reports.
Credit Karma provides very thorough credit reports and also breaks down how your credit score is determined and which area your're doing well in and which areas you need to improve in terms of credit behaviour. This additional information can be found in the "understanding your score" section.
Credit Karma - https://www.creditkarma.ca/
Borrowell is another option that has similar features to Credit Karma. It pulls from Equifax whereas Credit Karma pulls data from TransUnion.
Borrowell - https://borrowell.com/free-credit-score?utm_campaign=Refer10&utm_medium=web&utm_source=refer2022-2562834
Paying monthly bank fees for a chequing account is pretty ridiculous. Luckily, there are banks that provide daily banking without charging you money to hold your money.
Simplii Financial used to be known as President's Choice financial until separating. It is linked to CIBC and therefore clients can use CIBC ATMs without paying fees. The bank has most of the standard products and services but without the monthly fees. Follow the link below and get a $50 credit for signing up!
Tangerine is another great option for free banking in Canada. Tangerine is linked to Scotiabank which means their ATMs can be used for free by Tangerine clients. Like Scotiabank, Tangerine is a member of the Global ATM Alliance which means certain ATMs around the world can be used by Tangerine clients without having to pay withdrawal fees. Use the orange key 52425291S1 for a $50 credit when you sign up.
Avalon Accounting - https://www.youtube.com/@AvalonAccounting
Magnaltus Consulting - http://www.youtube.com/@magnaltusconsulting
Canadian in a T-shirt - https://www.youtube.com/@CanadianTShirt
Jessica Moorhouse - https://www.youtube.com/@jessicamoorhouse
Women Entrepreneurs Saskatchewan - https://www.youtube.com/@wesk-womenentrepreneursofs30
If you're starting a business in Saskatchewan, here are a few useful resources:
The ISC business registry is the site you want to visit to register your business and has options for proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and more.
Saskatchewan business startup checklist from Magnaltus Consulting
Most cities will require you to register for a business license. Here is the link for the city of Saskatoon's licensing applications.
Every business will have different start-up requirements and costs, however, the following link from SK Startup Institute provides a good base for the necessary start-up steps.
Some businesses require additional licenses and permits, find out from BizPal for which ones you may need for operating in Saskatchewan.
The City of Saskatoon has a business startup guide available with useful resources.
The Business Exchange is a useful resource if you want to purchase an existing business or become a franchisee.
The Saskatoon Real Estate Economics Blog was started by Josh Buchanan in 2015 and since then he has written over 250 posts, has been interviewed by CBC news and on CBC radio, and been a reliable source of objective and thorough real estate analysis for the city of Saskatoon
The blog provides all kinds of statistics, trends, tips, historical information, economic analysis and raises questions regarding Saskatoon’s current residential real estate market.
If you're starting a business and need financing, here are a few resources to help you determine where and what kind of financing to get.
Doing your own taxes is a lot easier if you have the right software programs that simplify the process. Wealthsimple is a great option for preparing your taxes yourself.
TurboTax also provides a free option for tax preparation.
Need a business plan but want to prepare it yourself? Here are a number of useful resources:
If you own your own business, there are many expenses you can claim as tax deductions in order to reduce your taxable income. Here is a list of those expenses:
The Government of Canada also has a list of deductible expenses.
Free bank accounts are much harder to find for businesses than they are for individuals but BMO does have one option for free business banking.
The Global Gathering Place is a drop-in non-profit centre that provides personalized settlement assistance to refugees and immigrants.
The Open Door Society's mission is to assist newcomers to Canada to become participating members of an inclusive and diverse community and country.
Saskatchewan Intercultural Association provides programs and services that empower and relieve barriers for Newcomers and Indigenous people.
This video explains the basics of how and when to collect GST as a business in Canada.
Canada Revenue Agency's basic information on GST collection and remittance for businesses.
Canada Revenue Agency's video database
This video explains the basics of how to import goods for sale in Canada.
Information from the CBSA on steps to importing commercial goods.
The information needed to be included on a business invoices
Information on what tax deductions you can claim when using a vehicle for business use.
YouTube video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFAvW8huJmQ
Information on what employers must deduct from employees and how to remit it.
More information on payroll deductions.
Information on the various types of insurance a business may want or need.
More information on business insurance.
Additional link on business insurance.
Main PST website - https://www.saskatchewan.ca/business/taxes-licensing-and-reporting/provincial-taxes-policies-and-bulletins/provincial-sales-tax
WESK PST webinar - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJHBInv8dhM&t=2616s
Jessica Moorhouse on PST - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL4P-q4wUHQ
Saskatoon interactive zoning bylaw map - https://citysaskatoon.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=20597b40346845c8ac42539278072319
General zoning information - https://digital-zoning-bylaw-citysaskatoon.hub.arcgis.com/
Provincial food business requirements - https://www.saskhealthauthority.ca/your-health/conditions-illnesses-services-wellness/all-z/food-safety/requirements-opening-food-business
Provincial food safety requirements - https://www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/environment-public-health-and-safety/food-safety
More information - https://www.saskhealthauthority.ca/your-health/conditions-diseases-services/food-safety
Additional information for businesses such as restaurants, day cares, and transportation companies.
Community Futures webinar for business supports - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPf09g5ltv8
Entrepreneur with disability resources information - https://cfsask.ca/programs/entrepreneurs-with-disabilities-program-edp
Options for expansion funding in Canada
Details on how to properly determine business income and expenses
Government of Canada Trademarks website: https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/canadian-intellectual-property-office/en/trademarks
Information video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=425-R3Ki_-c
Trademarks, patents, and copyright video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVYAOy466vs
SEO Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw-pomaxrnE
BDC Website Analysis tool: https://www.bdc.ca/en/articles-tools/entrepreneur-toolkit/business-assessments/free-website-evaluation
Page Speed Insights tool: https://pagespeed.web.dev/
Avalon Accounting YouTube video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqWmyEW34wE&t=98s
CRA checklist - https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/financial-performance-data/en
BDC has a large library of business resources from startup to succession.