Interested in starting your own business but don't know where to begin? This online course will provide the most important steps, information, and resources you need to get started and guide you through the process in the correct order of events!
The course is specifically designed for Saskatchewan and is now FREE!
⦿ How to choose a business idea
⦿ Different legal structure options
⦿ How to get registered and licensed
⦿ Choosing an appropriate business name, logo, & branding
⦿ How to write a formal business plan
⦿ Eliminating unnecessary expenses
⦿ Determining startup costs
⦿ Setting up PST, GST, payroll, and worker's compensation
⦿ How to grow and market your business
⦿ Options for building your own website
⦿ Marketing ideas and strategies
⦿ Proper banking, accounting, and bookkeeping techniques
⦿ Insurance and income tax
⦿ Other useful resources